Again its a lovely product that is well thought out and nicely balanced in its philosophy and approach. So far my 4 year old granddaughter has focused on the stickers but I think its going to be a great way of prompting or starting discussions about her day both good and bad, but also establishing the long term concept of talking about things and seeing the good things in each day and not focusing just on the bad. I also like the. way that there is a special activity at the end of each week. This was a free gift with an order, but I'm hoping she takes to it and we can reorder once this one is finished. Thank you.
This is an amazing and perfect gift for any child to teach them the alphabet while learning as they go. Thoughtfully illustrated. Pencils are beautiful and remind little people how special they really are.
My six yo loves this journal and pencils
We are very pleased with all products we received and it was so nice to get something extra for free too! ♥️