Self-care for Parents

“How we care for ourselves gives our brain messages that shape our self-worth so we must care for ourselves in every way, every day.”

– Sam Owen


Do you want to feel like your best self and present that to the world? We all do! But so often as parents you feel like you are running on empty... how can that be possible?
Many people equate self-care with being selfish, but actually, just the opposite is true. In order to fully, truly serve the world from a place of authenticity, we have to take care of our needs and desires first. This goes beyond just showering daily or doing your favourite mud mask once a week. What is something little you can do every day as a ritual that makes you feel better?
Maybe it's a meditation. Maybe it's journaling. Perhaps it's just setting an intention. Whatever it is, choose something you enjoy that you can incorporate every day and make it a routine. Don't be afraid to fill up your cup and share it with the world!
This way not only can you show up as your best self, but you won't be knocked off your feet when the going gets rough because you have something that grounds you in who you are.


Carve Out Time

We all live busy lives, but we all also deserve 5 minutes for ourselves each day. Maybe that 5 minutes is spent in quiet stillness or perhaps it is spent doing your favourite activity as mentioned before. Have more time on your hands? Then carve out more time for yourself!


Beat Old Habits with New Ones

 We all have them... bad habits. Whether it's eating too much fast food or letting your dishes pile up, take care to replace these habits with new ones. Bad habits don't just disappear over night. They require mindfulness and care to recognise them first and then to find new ones that serve your greatest good. Maybe you wash your dishes immediately instead of letting them sit there. Make a list of your habits you wish to break and how you can replace them. Slowly work on them one-by-one.


Make Sleep a Priority

Sleep is something you may feel like you need more (or less) of. Do you oversleep or not get enough? Try to regulate your sleep at specific intervals so that you can normalise your body and mind. This means even on the weekends!

If you tend to sleep little during the week and then binge sleep on the weekends, this will cause a crash and burn effect. Listen to your body. How much sleep do you need? Most people need between 6-8. 


 If you're still finding it near impossible to find precious moments for yourself try using our easy self-care cheat sheets that you can do in 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes or an hour: